Minutes, Board Meeting 10/30/24

Location: Phoenix earth Food Coop

Present:, Hermann von Grafenstein, Anita Levin, Sándor Halász,Sean Fitzgerald, GM, Adrienne Armstrong, Shaun Neal, Leah Foley, Staff, Thomas Fine, Monika Perry, Alyx Kendzierski


MSC – Moved Seconded and Carried. Resolutions are numbered R1

Meeting convened at 6:50pm

  1. Approval of Minutes-Minutes of 9/22/24 Board Minutes circulated by email and approved. MSC -R1
  2. General-Manager Report –No Report
  3. Finances – Reviewed Year-to-Date Financials. Trends continue to improve over prior year.
  4. Development Committee – Anita reported The Development Committee is pleased that the completed the Healthy Foods Grant for $20,000 of refrigeration equipment and we have made the first review. We expect to hear Nov/Dec. The floor and refrigeration will be addressed at that time. The City façade grant has been. The City Façade Grant has been approved for $10,940. Money should get here before Dec 31, 2024. Another possible grant for money from the LandBank to beautify the garden lot is in progress. MSC – R2 to charge the Development Committee with designing a Strategic Long-Range Plan for maintenance and growth of the Coop and bring that to the full Board. Next Development meeting is11/20/24 7 PM via Zoom.
  5. Outreach Committee – Adrienne reported we will reintroduce some recipe swaps, tastings and kits thru the coop and the vegan group. The next Outreach event will happen in Feb/March for the Seed Swap or the delayed WAKT Event.
  6. Technology Committee – No report. Need new chair? Need up-to-date email list!
  7. Annual Meeting Date – We failed to achieve a Quorum for the Annual Mtg set for Sunday September 22, 2024 2 PM and for the replacement date Dec 30, 2024 6:30 PM. Discussed offering a discount coupon for attendance or other way to get enough people to attend.
  8. Review of Action Items for 2024
  9. Adjournment: Motion to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at7:25 PM MSC – R3
  10. Next Regular Board Meeting will be determined by Adrienne due to the holidays ahead. Or January 22, 2024 6 PM.


Respectfully submitted, Anita Levin, Secretary